




Xianfeng ingot is one of ancient Chinese coins. During the reign of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty, a peasant uprising in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom developed rapidly and the capital was established in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. At this time, the Qing government relied on Dian copper (copper produced in Yunnan province) to make money, but roads were blocked from transporting it to Beijing. On the one hand, it was urgent to suppress the uprising, and on the other hand, the shortage of raw materials for making money caused serious financial difficulties to the Qing government. Finally, the Qing government began to issue banknote and mint big money to make up for the financial deficit in the third year of Xianfeng.

Xianfeng ingots have long been regarded as priceless by collectors. Regional governments also issued money for a short period of time, and the circulation area is small, so the value of the coins is high. In addition, due to the issuance of banknotes, copper coins are issued less, so the price is also higher. The back of ancient coins is mostly smooth, and there are a few special marks such as star grain, moon grain, four out grain, auspicious cloud grain, Rui finch grain and other words that indicate money prison and casting time. Xianfeng Yuanbao back star and moon grain big money, relatively at present, 50, when a little more than a hundred, especially when 500 rare, when 1000 particularly rare.

This piece of Xianfeng Yuanbao when a thousand coins, the picture text is clear, no wear, the surface is flat and bright, no significant impact marks at the margin. Raw material brass, face text "Xianfeng Yuanbao" four words straight read, back wear up and down "when thousand" when the word on both sides of the star and moon grain, mercy Manchu carved treasure bureau name, "Bao Quan" two words horizontal. This coin is exquisite copper, regular shape, very beautiful. This piece of Xianfeng Yuanbao when the quality of thousands of coins is excellent, few things exist in the world forging technology is also very exquisite, can be called a good quality, now the market can reach this texture of ancient coins is now very rare. Therefore, this piece of Xianfeng Yuanbao coin is very worth preserving, and the appreciation space is infinite.





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