

TheUnited States welcomes foreign citizens who come to the United Statesto study. Before applying for a visa, all student visa applicants arerequired to be accepted and approved by their school or program. Onceaccepted, educational institutions will provide each applicant thenecessary approval documentation to be submitted when applying for astudent visa.

2.VisaDescriptions and Qualifications


Thisis the most common type of student visa. If you wish to engage inacademic studies in the United States at an approved school, such asan accredited U.S. college or university, private secondary school,or approved English language program then you need an F-1 visa.




Ifyou plan to engage in non-academic or vocational study or training ata U.S. institution then you need an M-1 visa.

3.U.S.Public Schools


U.S.law does not permit foreign students to attend public elementaryschool (kindergarten to 8th grade) or a publicly funded adulteducation program. Hence, F-1 visas cannot be issued for study atsuch schools.


AnF-1 visa can be issued for attendance at a public secondary school(grades 9 to 12), but the student is limited to a maximum of 12months at the school. The school must also indicate on the Form I-20that the student has paid the unsubsidized cost of the education andthe amount submitted by the student for that purpose.


Note: Holdersof A, E, F-2, G, H-4, J-2, L-2, M-2 or other derivative nonimmigrantvisas may enroll in public elementary and secondary schools.

注意: A类、E类、F-2类、G类、H-4类、J-2类、L-2类、M-2类或其他衍生非移民签证持有人可以进入公立小学和中学就读。
4.Whento Apply

120-dayrule: Please note that student (F and M) visas for new students canbe issued up to 120 days in advance of the start date for a course ofstudy.

30-dayrule: All recipients of an F or M student visa should be aware thatDepartment of Homeland Security regulations require all initial orbeginning students enter the US 30 days or less in advance of theprogram start/report date as shown on the Form I-20. Visaholders traveling to the US before this date may be denied entry atthe port of entry. Please consider this date carefullywhen making your travel plans to the United States. Ifyour program start date specified on the I-20 is already past or youwill be unable to meet that date, please request your school tochange the program start date in the SEVIS system.


Pleasenote that the 120-day and 30-day rules do not apply to continuingstudents. Continuing students may apply for a new visa atany time, as long as they have been maintaining status in the UnitedStates and their SEVIS records are current. Continuingstudents may also enter the U.S. at any time before theirclasses/programs start.



Toapply for an F or M visa, you must payyour $160 application fee and submit thefollowing:

Apassport valid for travel to the United States with a validity dateat least six months beyond your intended period of stay in the UnitedStates (unless country-specificagreements provide exemptions). If more than one person isincluded in your passport, each person desiring a visa must submit anapplication.


One2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm) photograph taken within the last sixmonths.


If avisa is issued, there may be an additional visa issuance reciprocityfee, depending on your nationality.


Anapproved original signed Form I-20 from your U.S. school or program.


Inaddition to these items, you must present an interview appointmentletter confirming that you booked an appointment through thisservice. You may also bring whatever supporting documents youbelieve support the information provided to the consular officer.

6.Howto Apply



Completethe NonimmigrantVisa Electronic Application (DS-160) form.




Paythe visa application fee.




Scheduleyour appointment on this webpage. You need the following three pieces of information in order toschedule your appointment:


Your passport number.


The receipt number from your Visa Fee receipt.


The ten digit barcode number from your DS-160 confirmation page.




Visitthe U.S.Embassy or Consulate General on the date and time of yourvisa interview. You must bring a printed copy of your appointmentletter, your DS-160 confirmation page, one photograph taken withinthe last six months, and your current and all old passports..Applications without all of these items will not be accepted.

Supportingdocuments are only one of many factors a consular officer willconsider in your interview. Consular officers look at eachapplication individually and consider professional, social, cultural,and other factors during adjudication. Consular officers may look atyour specific intentions, family situation, and your long-range plansand prospects within your country of residence. Each case is examinedindividually and is accorded every consideration under thelaw.

Caution: Donot present false documents. Fraud or misrepresentation canresult in permanent visa ineligibility. If confidentiality is aconcern, you should bring your documents to the Embassy or ConsulateGeneral in a sealed envelope. The Embassy or Consulate General willnot make your information available to anyone and will respect theconfidentiality of your information.


Youshould bring the following documents to your interview:


Documents demonstrating strong financial, social, and family ties toyour home country that will compel you to return to your countryafter your program of study in the United States ends.


Financial and any other documents you believe will support yourapplication and which give credible evidence that you have enoughreadily-available funds to meet all expenses for the first year ofstudy and that you have access to funds sufficient to cover allexpenses while you remain in the United States. M-1 applicants mustdemonstrate the ability to pay all tuition and living costs for theentire period of their intended stay.


Photocopies of bank statements will not be accepted unless you canalso show original copies of bank statements or original bank books.


If you are financially sponsored by another person, bring proof ofyour relationship to the sponsor (such as your birth certificate),the sponsor's most recent original tax forms and the sponsor's bankbooks and/or fixed deposit certificates.


Academic documents that show scholastic preparation. Usefuldocuments include school transcripts (original copies are preferred)with grades, public examination certificates (A-levels, etc.),standardized test scores (SAT, TOEFL, etc.), and diplomas.


Research/study plans with detailed information about your plannedstudies or research in the United States, including the name ande-mail address of your advising professor and/or the head of yourdepartment in the United States. Please click here fora sample research proposal / study plan.


A resume/CV (in English) that provides detailed information aboutyour past academic and professional experience, including a completelist of all publications to which you have contributed. Pleaseclick here fora sample resume.


Official transcripts covering coursework at U.S. institutions (forreturning students).


An advisors biography, CV, or webpage printout (for graduatestudents who have already been assigned an advising professor attheir U.S. institution).



Spousesand/or unmarried children under the age of 21 who wish to accompanyor join the principal visa holder in the United States for theduration of his or her stay require derivative F or M visas. There isno derivative visa for the parents of F or M holders.


Familymembers who do not intend to reside in the United States with theprincipal visa holder, but wish to visit for vacations only, may beeligible to apply for visitor (B-2) visas.


Spousesand dependents may not work in the United States on a derivative F orM visa. If your spouse/child seeks employment, the spouse must obtainthe appropriate work visa.


SupportingDocuments for Dependents


Applicantswith dependents must also provide:


Proof of the student's relationship to his or her spouse and/orchild (e.g., marriage and birth certificates).


It is preferred that families apply for their visas at the sametime, but if the spouse and/or child must apply separately at alater time, they should bring a copy of the student visa holder'spassport and visa, along with all other required documents.



OptionalPractical Training (OPT)


F-1visa holders may be eligible for up to 12 months of optionalpractical training following completion of all course requirementsfor graduation (not including thesis or equivalent), or aftercompletion of all requirements. OPT is separate from a student'sacademic work, and time for OPT will not normally be reflected duringthe student's academic program or in the completed study date.Students applying for an F visa to do OPT may present an I-20 with anoriginal end of study date that may have passed. However, these I-20smust be annotated by the designated school official to reflectapproval of an OPT program that extends beyond the end of the regularperiod of study. In addition, the student must have proof that USCIShas approved their practical training program or that an applicationis pending, either in the form of an approved EmploymentAuthorization Card or a Form I-797 indicating that s/he has a pendingapplication for an OPT program.

F-1签证持有人在完成毕业的所有课程要求(不包括毕业论文或同类规定)或完成所有要求后,可以申请12个月以内的选择性实习。OPT与学生的学业是相互分离的,OPT时间通常不会反映在学生的课程或学习安排中。学生为OPT申请F类签证时,可出示其I-20表,而其上指明的原学习结束时间可能已过期。但是,上述I-20表必须由学校指定管理人员标注相关内容,表明学校同意学生参加超出常规学习周期截止时间的OPT项目。此外,该学生还必须提交材料来证明USCIS已批准其实习项目或正在申请,出示工作许可证(EmploymentAuthorization Card)或标注他/她正在申请OPT项目的I-797表均可。

Validityof Student Visas After a Break in Studies


Studentswho are away from classes for more than five months must apply forand receive a new F-1 or M-1 student visa to return to schoolfollowing travel abroad.


Studentswithin the United States


Astudent (F-1 or M-1) may lose that status if they do not resumestudies within five months of the date of transferring schools orprograms, under immigration law. If a student loses status, unlessUSCIS reinstates the student's status, the student's F or M visawould also be invalid for future travel returning to the UnitedStates.


Students- Returning to the United States from Travel Abroad


Studentswho leave the United States for a break in studies of five months ormore may lose their F-1 or M-1 status unless their activitiesoverseas are related to their course of study. In advance of travel,students may want to check with their designated school official ifthere is a question about whether their activity is related to theircourse of study.


Whenthe Customs and Border Protection (CBP) immigration inspector at portof entry is presented a previously used, unexpired F-1 or M-1 visa bya returning student who has been outside the United States and out ofstudent status for more than five months, a CBP immigration inspectormay find the student inadmissible for not possessing a validnonimmigrant visa. CBP may also cancel the visa after granting thestudent permission to withdraw the application for admission.Therefore, it is prudent for students to apply for new visas at anEmbassy or Consulate General abroad prior to traveling to the UnitedStates to return to their studies after an absence of more than fivemonths that is not related to their course of study.






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